One of my favorite blogs to check out is the Nesting Place. Click Here to check it out. An apron friend of mine told me about the blog and suggested I take a look at what she does with window treatments. The Nester refers to them as "mistreatments", I call it being creative. My friend knew I would be interested in what the Nester creates because I happen to have my own custom window treatment business. I love seeing her ideas and how she is able to create things inexpensively and I am sure much more quickly than I can construct a treatment. When I saw that she was having a group post about "mistreatments" I had to get in on the action. Even though I don't finish a window treatment for a client with pins and a hot glue gun it has been known to happen in my own house. How many of us have had a creative idea the day before a family get together or party. When time is running out I will be the first to plug in the glue gun to add some bling bling trim to a window treatment. I'm hoping the Nester will consider this a partial "mistreatment" and let me play along. My kitchen treatment was done just before Christmas.
With time running out and the party looming I had to break out the pins and just tie the bias tape around the horn to secure it to the pole. It's hidden in the back of the treatment. I just took this revealing photo so you could see how I accomplished this on the fly. I promised myself after the holidays I would repair my work. Well it's nine months later and as they say "out of sight out of mind". So this will be our secret!

This is my dining room and office. Well once again I was working with a time restriction. Why do we always do that to ourselves??? It must have something to do with creativity. I work best under pressure, and even better when I'm having a party. This time it was a holiday get together with a bunch of friends. They knew I had been working on the two rooms and were expecting to see a "finished product".
I didn't have any rods for the drapery panels between the two rooms. This is known as a parterre, but since I am considering this a "mistreatment" I will not give it this fancy name. I had some scarp pieces of rods, not even the same colors. I painted them with black spray paint, and brushed my favorite gold paint on them. This paint can be used for many things. View a few of my previous posts to get more ideas. After painting them I pieced them together with a mending plate and hung them on the wall by hiding some angle irons. Then I fired up my glue gun and glued on the tassel trim. Wola... a finished "mistreatment" that could pass for something right out of the drapery workroom!
Just thought I would show you the other side of the room which is my office. The cornice has some beaded tassel fringe and you guessed it....I glued it on.
In addition I recovered the wing back chair and the desk chair. This was the first time I did any type of upholstery. Believe me those chairs definitely should be classified "misupholstery"! I tore them apart and didn't mark the pattern pieces. When I got around to finishing it there was much guessing involved. I should have taken some photos with my digital camera as I took them apart. Live and Learn isn't that the saying? I guess when the client is myself, I don't think there is anything wrong with taking a few short cuts if it get the job done...
Here's the last room, my family room. Once again I used the trick of piecing the left over rods and painting them. The decorative trim is also glued on.
A view of the entire window....
Having my own drapery business and working for paying clients doesn't afford me the opportunity to do many "mistreatments". I'm always interested in ideas from the Nester. When it comes to my house and changing things around I like to get it done quickly. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. Come and visit soon....My laundry room make over is almost complete and I have a new treatment for the window and a great idea on converting a sink cabinet into a clothes hamper.

Okay, I thought I was looking at magazine pictures. This is your house, for real? You have an amazing talent for deocrating and everything is stunning!
I too thought it was a magazine....WOW..what a gorgeous home!!! BEAUTIFUL and lovely to look around at spaces your home.
Love the kitchen window treatments. Are they from a pattern? I would like to make some similar, and really like those. Jackie
What a beautiful home~you have such a talent for decorating and your "real" treatments are divine! I love your roosters in the kitchen also. Bookmarking your site... :)
Your home is absolutely beautiful, and your treatments are to die for.
I also did window treatments for paying customers once. They never wanted to pay very much, friends were the worst...expecting freebies! But I did make money that I put back into my own home. Looking forward to what you do next!
Your home is beautiful! I am hooked on your blog now! Thanks for sharing!
I loveed that valance! I thinkg I may have to copy that one!
Your home is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! I really love that twisted curtain rod in the first photos. Yum!
You have some beautiful mistreatments. They all look very elegant and expensive. Great job. Your home is also beautiful
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