Having my own custom drapery business leaves me little time to sew for pleasure. For years I would make all my clothes but once I had my children and my business grew, there was little time to sit at the sewing machine and sew for myself. It's been quite some time since I made something for myself (other than an apron). While shopping with my friend, I found this wonderful Cotton print with a coordinate to match. I thought it would make a fun summer dress to wear. I made the purchase and promised myself that the fabric would not end up on the shelf along with the many other patterns and unmade projects I have purchased over the years. It was off to the workroom to begin the dress.
I liked it so much that I made another dress out of a black and white fabric. I'll post that one later, I forgot to take a picture. Wait a minute, I'll be right back I'm going to take the picture now so I can include it in this post........ O.K. I'm back with the photo uploaded. I can't tell you how many people have commented on both of these quick and easy dresses.

These past few weeks have taught me that all work and little play makes it easy to forget the things that you really enjoy doing in life. Life is a blessing. Take some time to do the things you enjoy. I'm headed off to the fabric store this week. Before you know it the seasons will be changing. I have my eye on a cute jacket pattern with plaid fabric that has Autumn colors.
I'd love to know prices of different treatments.....Im adding you to my blogroll....I dont want to lose you.....
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