Well I finished my apron for the Flirty Apron swap just in the nick of time. If you are not familiar with the swap, let me tell you about it. The theme this time was "My Fantasy Vacation". Each person that was in the swap told about where their fantasy vacation would be and a little bit about the vacation. The host of the swap then assigned partners to everyone. We were to make our partner an apron that best represented their fantasy vacation. Sounds like fun, hugh? My partner was the host of the apron swap. I felt a great deal of pressure. I have seen some of my partners work on Apronista, and I did not want to disappoint her. Her vacation spot was an all-expense shopping trip to New York City...taxis, high heels, coach bags, a luxury hotel suite and a makeover. Well I found some material that had a theme of a shopping spree and a day at the spa. I thought this would work out well.
I had to add some glam to the apron, so I found some rhinestone buttons to attach the neckties with. I also made a small ruffle with some pink chiffon that had small tiny flowers. I think the pearls and the choker necklace add a nice touch to the whole glam look!
I used both fabrics on the purse and lined it in the polka dot print. The handles were the perfect complement to the purse, with the large black balls.
Well my partner may not have won an all-expense shopping trip to NYC but when she gets my apron and accessories I hope she feel like a million bucks! I'd love to hear what you think about my creation.....

"Beauty comes as much from the mind as from the eye"
OOOO la la!!! Lovely work and very chic! Bet June Cleaver would have loved to don such chic kitchen coutre!!
Cute! Very Cute and so chic!
My goodness Sherry!!! It's all just BEAUTIFUL! What a lucky swap partner you have....you worked so hard, I love the finishing touches ~ xxoo, Dawn
Love it! Shawnee is a very lucky lady! I've been searching for a tutorial on how to glam up rubber gloves. Did you just figure it out yourself or can you direct me to a website that shows how? Thanks!
Hi Sherry, I'm a participant in the swap and I've visited your blog a few times in the past month or so. I love it here. I have some girls the same age as your boys.
Shawnee is one fortunate gal to be getting your package. You really interpreted the fantasy vacation best. With all of Shawnee's work organizing this swap, she deserves a beautiful, glamorous treat. I love the purse you made.
p.s. I don't have a google i.d., so I have to sign in under my daughters' blog.
So fun and frilly, the matching purse is adorable....Shawnee will LOVE it!
Wow! What a great prize! I love the blog... I just stumbled over from apronista... I too am a participant, but I don't think my package was quite as impressive as yours! Were the gloves hard to make? How do you sew the fabric on them? What a darling gift for any domestic diva! If you ever decide to do a tutorial on it...count me in! I would love to know how to make the gloves.
WOW! You put a lot of thought into that! I am sure Shawnee will love it:) Great job!
THIS IS TOTALLY AMAZING!!!! I just got my package tonight and I AM IN SHOCK AND LOVE! You are a super-star -- it's is absolutely perfect! Do you, with all the gloves I've made, I didn't own a glam pair until now? And the bag - wow! More gushing to be posted on my blog soon.... thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
What a great package and I know she loves it! melinda
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