Well I know many of you may be thinking, "It's September, why is she going to talk about graduation, the school year has just begun." It's never to early to start planning ahead. These projects require a bit of time to gather up photos. I know many of you throughout the years have placed your photos in a box, and have not put them into photo albums. If this is you, it will take a bit of preparation but the outcome is well worth it. I have a son who is a senior this year and I am already beginning to plan for the festivities. Last year I made this graduation board for the son of a good friend. My friend was having a large party and I decided to make her son a "Creation from My Heart". The board displays each of his school pictures from kindergarten to twelfth grade (this is where you may need to hunt for the old photos). In addition I have placed his senior portrait and the proofs from his senior photos.
Here's a few photos of the board up close.

I couldn't stop at just one board. I also wanted to display photos of him with family and friends throughout his childhood. I made both boards using coordinating papers so that they could be displayed next to each other.
This one I printed the song "I hope you dance"
on vellum paper and placed it under the photos...
The mom and the graduate loved the board. I'm going to do several of these boards for my son's graduation party using different themes on each board. Then I'll be able to take the pages off the board and put them right in his scrapbook.
I think I have mentioned that I love to scrapbook. I don't do it as much as I once did, because I love to do other paper projects. Dawn from "The Feathered Nest" refers to this as "Multi Media", I love that name, don't you think that it sounds so professional? Ha,ha. No matter what you call it, I'm just a plain old crafter at heart who loves to create items that one can treasure!

to sing for joy, to paint or sew or create a beautiful gift"
The boards are so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!your work is beautiful and professional looking
I love your story boards! Wow! I'm going to keep an eye on your blog. By the way - I hope you got your apron & things. I hope you like it. I wanted to email you the recipes I promised, so if you want to email me your address, I will send them to you. Thanks!
Oops! Forgot to tell you. plmck@gmail.com
Those are absolutely AWESOME!! Just beautiful!!! great idea
wow! Everyday I check in on your blog it is better than the day before! Your little mind must be just spinning and creating 24/7. Great stuff. I was involved in creating a memory board this past year, but sadly it was for a little boy's funeral. It was a great and heartfelt display untder terrible circumstances. But I felt it was really- as you would say- "a treasure from my heart". After I posted my comment about your darling gloves I felt bad... you probably sell them at your etsy store. I tried to click on it. but there was a problem and I couldn't get there. Will you e-mail me the info so I can check out your stuff at etsy. thisandthat_amy@hotmail.com thanks a ton!
very Nice Article and Pictures are very beautiful I forgot to mention last night Play bazaarthat I've nominated you to receive The Versatile Blogger award.Satta king
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