Well the Michigan weather has taken a turn. No longer,are the days of warm weather. The sweaters and coats are coming out of the closets and so are my fall decorations. I just completed the fall outside decorations. A bit later this past year. With all the homecoming activities last weekend, I wanted to put the decorations aside and just enjoy the wonderful memories that we created. I want to share what I did to the front porch area. The most important thing to me on my porch is having a wreath. To me it says"Welcome Friends". So let me show you a before and after photo.
I love making a wreath for every season. If you plan on doing this, get your flowers when they go on sale. Making a wreath can get costly once you buy all the supplies needed. Michaels Crafts is a great place to go and now the selection is still good. I have also found many "filler" flowers at Wal-Mart. I know some of you may be saying "Wal-Mart", but I am always looking for a bargain and when your "Creations from the Heart" is complete you will never know where the flowers came from. It would be great if you lived here in Michigan. I teach a class on "Making a custom wreath". This is something easy to learn and once you know the tricks you to could have a wreath that would greet your guests every season.

It looks pretty bare after taking out all my beautiful pink flowers and pulling down the wreath. I do everything the same day, I can't stand to have it look so bare. So as soon as the flowers come out I go up into the attic and start pulling down my fall decor.
Viola... Now here's the transformation.
It takes a few hours, 4 mums, 2 corn stalks, 2 hay bails, one flat of pansies and Autumn decorations I have made and collected over the years. You to can do this. Just start with the items you can buy at the local stand and draw yourself up a plan. I keep a journal, well it's larger than a journal it's a three ring binder with all my seasonal decorating in it. (I'll post about the journal this week, maybe you can start one!) I always take photos and then the next year I just look at the photo and recreate it. Isn't thinking of the plan the hardest part of any decorating. Executing it is much easier for me.
I made this scarecrow about 8 years ago. For a girl, and a girly girl at that, I am pretty good with power tools. I use them a lot in my drapery business, constructing top treatments and cornice boards. When I see a craft project that may involve a jig saw it doesn't deter me.
He is made, so that he sits on the hay bails. Take a look at his legs and the raffia that comes out the bottom at his foot. I just love bringing him out every year and my guests enjoy him also. There is something so rewarding when you create something yourself rather than just going out and buying it.
I added a basket to his lap and placed 6 pansies and some straw inside. Don't you just the the little bird sitting on his shoulder.
A wonderful wooden cart I use in the backyard during the summer months makes it's way to the front porch to hold an old basket with a mum. The Autumn Greetings sign was something I painted years ago and thought it added a nice touch. Once again greeting my guests with warm Autumn wishes.
This scarecrow greets my guests when they approach the walkway. Years ago I seen one exactly like this on a front lawn. I had my camera with me (now I carry a small digital camera in my purse at all times) I took a photo of it and drew it out on some plywood. I got together some old clothes and a few days later he was complete and standing at my walkway.
Last year I added another detail to this Autumn greeter. I took a large safety pin and pinned his two fingers together so he could hold onto this basket. I cut out this little ghost a bird and once again added the pansies and straw. Now he has a wonderful basket of flowers to greet my guests with.
Why not take a plain metal grate that I purchased at the discount store, hang it outside.
Dress it up with Autumn colors.... I added this basket underneath. By adding the basket and flowers it looks like it is all one piece. I painted the basket the same finish as the grate so it would match. I have seen this idea in the Ballard's catalog for much more than I spent! Be creative and think outside the box. It's amazing what you can create.
My bunny is always there to greet my guests, no matter what season it is. I just dressed her up with some pansies at her feet.
Wow! It looks great! I need to decorate my front porch. I've got the inside done, just waiting for the pumpkins! Love your porch... Beautiful! Fall decor is so fun.. love the mums!
Looks beautiful! I'm like Amy, got the inside taken care of, but not the outside yet. It's just been too hot!
I love the beautiful wreath you created. Your entire arrangement of fall decor is very warm & welcoming! Fabulous job. :>)
Carol * in Oklahoma
WOW...what a gorgeous porch!! I LOVE every bit of your decorations!
Your outside decorations are the best I've seen yet! They look AWESOME!
Beautiful decorations.
I love your post.
I love, love, love that scarecrow! It all looks great!
WOW! It looks amazing!
I wish I lived closer to you, I would take that class :) I have 2 good friends in your town, so I will let them know.
I have those same urns, did you get them at Lowe's?
Love everything, it looks great and I know it was a lot of work, but fun, too :)
Oh WOW WOW WOW! Your front porch looks AWESOME! I haven't touched the outside of my house. Ack! I think I need to find some urns for my front porch! :)
Hi Sherry
Oh my goodness!!!! Your wreath is absolutely beautiful. I can't even making something like that. It totally opens and welcomes the front entrance and everything you've added to it also.
You are so handy with tools to make the scarecrows too. Good for you!
I love the flower and metal decoration you put together on your wall also.
Wow. I am so impressed.
You porch is very warm and inviting. All of your fall things are great.
I haven't even started with the outside yet.
Oh my! What a gorgeous home and wonderful fall presentation!
I love your fall decorations. they are beautiful..
Your entry way is beautiful! You have done a fantastic job! Jackie
I stumbled across your blog, and I'm glad I did! You've inspired me to head to the craft room & make some new decor to add to the Fabulous Fall Front of my home... While it won't be as stunning as yours, I'm thankful for the creativity you have inspired!
Beautiful use of a talent God has given you...
Oh my word! Your before and after pictures are stunning! That wreath is amazing.
Thanks for coming to my party! Happy halloween!
I love your basket, urns and wreath! The scarecrow is too cute too! It looks amazing! I might have to do urns next year, they look so good!
Thanks so much for joining in on my blog party. You gave me some great ideas! :)
STUNNING! I think I need to incorporate hay into my (very mini!) entry display. Thanks for sharing your amazing house!
I am sure your guests feel so special coming up your front walk. Good for you for getting all done in a day, too. Happy Fall!
Your porch is just goregous! I LOVE your wreath! I haven't done the outside yet because it's still in the 80's and my summer flowers are still going strong, but you've given me lots of ideas!
It looks wonderful! I think I may have to go buy some mums today! Thanks for the inspiration. I just found your blog today (from Sanctuary Arts party). I am adding you to my bloglines, and will be back!
Your house is just beautiful! I love the wreath you have on the door...I need to keep my eye out for more stuff to make myself one!
Your entry is spooktacular!
I am on post #98 so you know what that means!
This was my first time to view your blog and I must say your decorations are great. I love your wreath and everything! Maybe you could share some wreath-making hints sometime. Thanks.
Everything is just gorgeous. I wish our weather would change. :) Thanks for sharing!
Oh Wow what a nice entrance to your home. You did a great job. I love the large urns. Where did you find those. I have been looking for some that are nice and big like that.
You are ready for fall!
I love your porch. Quite the punch of color. Thanks for sharing! ~Mindy
Hi Sherry,
Your decorations look great! I love your taste!
Wonderful entryway!
The Texas Woman
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