It's a great fall day to take a tour of some wonderfully decorated fall porches....
Some of my friends find it a bit strange that I always carry a camera in my purse. I purchased a small camera so that it easily fits into the inside pocket of my purse. Some of you may ask, "Why do you always need a camera, everywhere you go?" Well, you never know when you might see that creative idea that stops you dead in your tracks.... and a notepad and pen will just not suffice. You need to take a photo, capture every little detail. I know that many of you know exactly what I'm talking about. Do you carry a camera? I'd love to hear from you. Well today you can take a drive by tour and see the many Fall decorations that are out there for your viewing pleasure. Just pop on over to the Inspired Room by clicking HERE and you will get to see all those photos that are taken by people like me. My house is going to be # 1 on the tour. I will take you from outside to in.
I'd love to know what you like.....
I want to share what I did to the front porch area. The most important thing to me on my porch is having a wreath. To me it says"Welcome Friends". I love making a wreath for every season. If you plan on doing this, get your flowers when they go on sale. Making a wreath can get costly once you buy all the supplies needed. Michaels Crafts is a great place to go and now the selection is still good. I have also found many "filler" flowers at Wal-Mart. I know some of you may be saying "Wal-Mart", but I am always looking for a bargain and when your "Creations from the Heart" is complete you will never know where the flowers came from. It would be great if you lived here in Michigan. I teach a class on "Making a custom wreath". This is something easy to learn and once you know the tricks you to could have a wreath that would greet your guests every season.

It looks pretty bare after taking out all my beautiful pink flowers and pulling down the wreath. I do everything the same day, I can't stand to have it look so bare. So as soon as the flowers come out I go up into the attic and start pulling down my fall decor.
Viola... Now here's the transformation.
It takes a few hours, 4 mums, 2 corn stalks, 2 hay bails, one flat of pansies and Autumn decorations I have made and collected over the years. You to can do this. Just start with the items you can buy at the local stand and draw yourself up a plan. I keep a journal, well it's larger than a journal it's a three ring binder with all my seasonal decorating in it. (I'll post about the journal this week, maybe you can start one!) I always take photos and then the next year I just look at the photo and recreate it. Isn't thinking of the plan the hardest part of any decorating. Executing it is much easier for me.
Here's an easy idea to bring more fall decorations to your door. I placed these outside, but they could easily be hung on the inside of your door handle.
They will add a wonderful look to your fall decorations.You can make them in an hour or so.
I made this scarecrow about 8 years ago. For a girl, and a girly girl at that, I am pretty good with power tools. I use them a lot in my drapery business, constructing top treatments and cornice boards. When I see a craft project that may involve a jig saw it doesn't deter me.
He is made, so that he sits on the hay bails. Take a look at his legs and the raffia that comes out the bottom at his foot. I just love bringing him out every year and my guests enjoy him also. There is something so rewarding when you create something yourself rather than just going out and buying it.
I added a basket to his lap and placed 6 pansies and some straw inside. Don't you just the the little bird sitting on his shoulder.
A wonderful wooden cart I use in the backyard during the summer months makes it's way to the front porch to hold an old basket with a mum. The Autumn Greetings sign was something I painted years ago and thought it added a nice touch. Once again greeting my guests with warm Autumn wishes.
This scarecrow greets my guests when they approach the walkway. Years ago I seen one exactly like this on a front lawn. I had my camera with me (now I carry a small digital camera in my purse at all times) I took a photo of it and drew it out on some plywood. I got together some old clothes and a few days later he was complete and standing at my walkway.
Last year I added another detail to this Autumn greeter. I took a large safety pin and pinned his two fingers together so he could hold onto this basket. I cut out this little ghost a bird and once again added the pansies and straw. Now he has a wonderful basket of flowers to greet my guests with.
Why not take a plain metal grate that I purchased at the discount store, hang it outside.
Dress it up with Autumn colors.... I added this basket underneath. By adding the basket and flowers it looks like it is all one piece. I painted the basket the same finish as the grate so it would match. I have seen this idea in the Ballard's catalog for much more than I spent! Be creative and think outside the box. It's amazing what you can create.
My bunny is always there to greet my guests, no matter what season it is. I just dressed her up with some pansies at her feet.
Before the season passes, go and bring your Autumn decor outside so that your guests are greeted by something that you created to say WELCOME... to our happy home!
We're not done yet....Lets move inside to see more fall decor.
These pumpkins were just to blah. I needed some glitz. I added my favorite gold craft paint. By just dry brushing some paint onto the pumpkins and leaves it made a wonderful difference.
Don't you think that the paint really changed it to a pumpkin with glam! The little crystals around the base of the candlestick and vase helped to add the sparkle. I love sparkle. I may live in a house with all men, but I've told you, I am a "Girly Girl"!
Can you See the gold paint on the pumpkins?
I added some berries and a few silk fall flowers.
Now let me show you what I did with this frame. I by no means can take credit for the idea. I was on one of my favorite blogs "A little of this and a little of that", and saw a frame that Amy had displayed. That's where I got the idea.
I just glued some newspaper on a piece of typing paper and ran it through my computer printing out the words. For me the fall season is all about being "thankful". I am not into the witches or scary things, so I wanted to print out something about giving thanks....
God deserves the thanks, He has blessed each of us.
I added my own decorative touch to the frame by once again using the gold paint and brushing it on the frame. Did I mention that I got the frame at the dollar store! Doesn't it look like it's came from a home interior store? I just love when that happens!!!
I hope that you can use a few of these tips and incorporate them into your fall theme. As you have seen, you don't have to spend a lot of money to display some "Thankfulness" in your home this fall season.
I switched up the mantel a bit from last year. You may have read on a previous post when I told you about the bargain I got on these vases. They were $4.99 each. I knew I would find a use for them. Aren't they perfect! I just plopped some flowers from Michaels right into the vase. (Well it was a little more work then just plopping them in) I always fuss way to much with arranging flowers!
I really like these pumpkins. They have crystals on them and this makes them shimmer. I have had them for about 4 years. I got them at the end the season for a steal. Notice the twinkle lights. I even put them inside the vases. I am really picky about hiding extension cords. I use the greens and pumpkins to hide them. I think it gives a much more finished look when you can't see how the lighting is plugged in.
I decided to leave the lamp on the mantel to add a bit more ambiance...
The lights continue up and around the base of the topiaries. I keep these topiaries on the mantel throughout the year except for Christmas. I saw them at a design shop. I found the balls at a floral shop and then just went searching in the backyard for some branches from a tree. I put some floral foam in the pots and stuck the branch into the foam and inserted it into the ball. I glued some moss onto the top and sides of the pot and VIOLA.... for a fraction of the cost of the designer pot, I made my own.
Thanks for stopping by on the tour of Fall Homes on Parade to view some of my
"Creations From My Heart"
I hope you got some ideas for your home.
Home for me is definitely where my heart is.
I truly enjoy decorating my home, especially for the holidays. I love to spend time with my family at my home. I think decorating for the holidays is a way of creating memories. Memories that my children will tuck away and remember when someday they share the holidays with their children .
There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven"
Ecc. 3:1
Oh my goodness, I'm in Fall-O-Weenie heaven! I can't even find the words to say how perfect everything is.
wow,wow, wow! you are one creative gal! fabulous
Thanks for sharing
Oh My Gosh! So much to see! You are very talented indeed. Thank you so much for the tour. That was quite a treat.
Wowee Kazowee Sherry, what a great post, this was wonderful. Thanks for all the great ideas. My hubby bought me a jig saw, you make me want to fire up the power tools!!! Hahaha, I'm inspired by your post, thank you. Everything looks amazing. I like how you added the gold paint to different things. Very creative!
Wow, the creativity is oozing from your front porch today! I love it! You did a terrific job of getting festive!
So glad you shared it today, I enjoyed my visit!!
What a wonderful designer you are. It saddens me a little that we English dont decorate for Autumn, or Fall, as you call it. i suppose we make up for it with Christmas decorations!
Wow,you are one very creative lady, love your home and blog...thanks for sharing your home...Pat H
Hi Sherry
Your home is beautiful, both inside and out. I love all your fall decorations. Everything makes you home look so warma nd inviting! Thanks for all "how to"s also. I really enjoyed my visit to your charming home.
Hugs, Rhondi
I always LOVE stopping by your blog and seeing your GORGEOUS home and decorations!!! Just BEAUTIFUL!
Oh man, I LOVE LOVE LOVE those pumpkins!!
I might just have to try that.
Your talents and your home are oozing creativity! I loved the tour of not only your beautiful and fun porch, but of your lovely home and ready for fall. The Christmas Decor must be over the top amazing!
I enjoyed my visit very much!
Beautiful fall decor! I especially love those bouquets in the cans on your doorknobs! They are adorable.
Beautiful decorations! hope you can share more photos =) Send Flowers to Philippines
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