Saturday, September 4, 2010

Making a Custom Wreath

Are you a person who always has a wreath on their front door?  I am definitely a person who feels that their house is "NAKED" without a wreath on their front door.  A wreath says WELCOME to me. Before the summer is totally over I wanted to share with you my summer flowers.  Here's the wreath I  made for the front door.  It was the perfect color to coordinate with my flowers last year. 

I added matching floral door cans to match the wreath....

Only problem with the wreath was that I changed my color scheme this year.  Are you laughing at me, right now?  Are you thinking, "What does she mean by color scheme?"  I will admit that sometimes I can be a bit anal.  Each year I decide what colors all my flowers are going to be and then I make sure my wreath matches.  Well this year one of my "angel friends" secretly dropped off an entire flat of HOT PINK geraniums on my driveway.  NO note nothing, just a wonderful gesture of friendship.  To this day, I still do not know who did this.  Many of my friends read my blog, so I want to say thank you for Blessing me with a true gift of friendship. 

Well, since the flowers were hot pink, I decided to go with a inpatiens that were called "Taboo Mix".  Next I needed to change up the wreath and add some hot pink and purple flowers.
Here's what I came up with...

I also changed up the door cans to match the wreath.

Now that's better. 
 The wreath and the potted flowers all coordinate!

Take a look at the "Taboo Mix" Impatiens under the tree....

Here's a tip....
 I found this iron basket at Joann fabrics and hung it on the brick wall near the front door.  The iron grate is separate.  I found this at Home Goods and just attached it to the bricks just above the basket.   Before I hung them, I spray painted them with the same color so they matched.   I had seen something very similar to this in the Ballards Catalog for $200 a few years ago.  I was unwilling to part with $200 bucks and decided to try out this idea. 
It looks just as good and only cost me less than $40 dollars.

If you want to see other seasonal wreaths I have created come visit HERE. Well, it's almost time to change the wreath and front porch decor to my fall harvest theme.  I'll make sure I share with you as soon as it's complete.  But as for now, I'm still enjoying the warm summer weather!  I'd love to know if your front door is decorated with a wreath to welcome your guests? 
 Do your match your flowers to your wreath?

I'll be linking up to the following wonderful blogs....
Show and Tell


Nita Stacy said...

I love your summertime wreath. It looks so great with your urns of flowers. I love that iron wall basket too. I remember very well that ballard design one because I wanted it forever. I wonder if my JoAnn's still has it. Might have to go check that out tomorrow.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

Your wreath and your flowers are just gorgeous! I always have a wreath on the front door and I always make my own. I too have the wreath match the Real flowers that I have planted in all of my pots in the front of the house!! LOL!!


Donene said...

Your front door is gorgeous!! I love the hotpink! you are very talented!

Sueann said...

Oh so fabulous!! Everything is gorgeous!! Love the wreath and those door can are TDF!! I still have my door cans that you sent me and I love them. They now hang on the inside of my front door...which is right next to my studio. Love the springy color!!

Courtney ~ French Country Cottage said...

Your wreath is GORGEOUS!!! I can so relate to your post! I have these fantastic window boxes that my fantastic dad make for me out of a torn down cedar fence. He brought about 8 of them up one year several years ago. Since then, I made others to add and now have them on almost every window in my house! So, I definitely pay attention to color schemes for the year! Every year, most everything in those boxes needs to be replanted because they are annuals. Some years I'm feeling purples and blues- sometimes reds and pinks, sometimes soft and sometimes bold! I love to plant those boxes every year!
Anyway, love it! I so need a wreath that gorgeous for my front door!!! :)

Connie said...

Beautiful and inviting. I love the gate with the wire basket, genius idea and thanks for sharing.

Pamela said...

Love that HUGE wreath!! It is just gorgeous as well as the cans. I have never seen anything like that before.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Your wreath is beautiful and the colors are amazing.

Have a wonderful Holiday weekend.


Charo said...

Love your fantastic creations!!!

Anonymous said...

Your door is beautiful... love the flower basket and grate too... I will have to keep your idea in mind.

The Homespun Loft said...

Your wreath is just stunning!
I am your newest follower. It would be great if you would come and be my follower too.

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Just beautiful, found you from Show and Tell...I'm now a follower, stop by sometime!


DeeDee said...

Sherry your entry way makes me lovely as is your wreaths and door cans....I have all different things I hang on my front door...I love how your hang it on the out side....checked out your shop too...I love all the pin cushions and the aprons with gloves totally awesome too..

Cap Creations said...

Beautiful! So full and colorful! And love the flower can detail!

Cynthia@ITLLDO said...

Your entire entry garden is gorgeous! I'm so glad I found you. Love that iron basket!

Shirley said...

I love your wreath! It is truly beautiful and very creative. I am really glad that I have found your blog. Happy Decorating!

Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...

WOW that is beautiful!

The Prudent Homemaker said...

I have had similar problems with coordinating flowers, so I didn't laugh at all. I don't always choose the colors by desire, either; sometimes, the nursery has different colors each year!

Your wreath was beautiful both ways.

I waslooking at my entry wall the other day, thinking that it needed SOMETHING, because that spot is so boing. I LOVE your idea! My wall is completely in the sade, all the time, and it;s over 90º 5-6 months of the year here (over 115º most of the summer, usually), so I always have a hard time with my flower pots in summer. In the winter they are beautiful and full of color, but summer is tricky. In the sun I grow vincas; they look like your impations, but they prefer sun. Geraniums just cook here.

I must say, your wreath is the prettiest door wreath I have ever seen! I like it both ways!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Beyond gorgeous! I love it! I am a lover of wreaths, too and I know how much time and work went into this. It's just beautiful! Love how you changed it up to work with your flowers.

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