It's Saturday, so I have something PINK to share with you...
The bible study I am currently in, is called "Discovering the Treasures of a Godly woman". The entire study is about the Proverbs woman. It can be found in Proverbs chapter 31 in the bible. It's a wonderful study and has had me reflecting on so many things that I need to improve on. "She" is quite an example to try and follow! Next time you pick up your bible head on over to Proverbs and read about her. My friend Linda is leading the study. She wanted to give each of the ladies in the study a gift and asked me to make each of the girls a pair of dishgloves. She wanted to give them a gift for Easter. Well she left it up to me and I decided what would be better than PINK floral fabric for spring.
(Front row sitting far left, Linda)
Each of the dishgloves had a matching gift bag that had a bible verse from Proverbs 31.They loved them and everyone was giggling as they put them on. I couldn't pass up the photo opportunity to take a few pictures to capture the moment. Look at all those PINK gloves and how wonderful they look on all the ladies!
God has blessed me with many wonderful women in my life. Woman that I know I can count on to pray for me and lift me up when I stumble along life's path. What a blessing! Head on over to "How Sweet the Sound" and take a look at other PINK Saturday Posts.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend....
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
But a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
And let her works bring her praise at the city gate.
Proverbs 31:30-31
What fun....great pnk finds! cherry
Such a fun bunch of gals and they all look so cute in their pink gloves! Have a wonderful weekend~Tam :D
You are so lucky to have your wonderful friends nearby. Love the gloves! Happy Pink Saturday!
What a wonderful group. I love the gloves!
those are adorable!! What a great idea, and a great gift!!!
You are SO luck to have such great friends! What cute dish-gloves...if I had those I'd be washing dishes all day long...LOVE them!
Love the gloves, those are great!
I just adore those gloves! Great pictures of your Bible study friends.
Happy Pink Day!
Happy Pink Saturday! Love the gloves!
Hugs :)
Love the pink dishgloves! Happy Pink Saturday!
Thanks for sharing!
Happy (belated) Pink Saturday...on Tuesday! X Es X
How absolutely PRECIOUS! Just spending time sitting here with my laptop, catching up on Pink Saturday. Your blog post brought a smile to my face. Thanks so much!
Hi Sherry. We have been having problems with email...and I just returned from some travel. Thank you so much for little gift! Lovely surprise! Hope you have a great weekend! Sharon
The pink gloves were tooooooooooooo cute!
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