Well last week was exhausting! I had the my son's high school craft show on Saturday. Even though I am a "crafter", I have not done a craft show in about 15 years. Needless to say I had no displays, and no stock built up of my craft items. Last week had many long nights staying up to wee hours in the morning, working feverishly to complete enough items to fill the booth. I wouldn't have been so concerned, but it was my son's school and I knew a lot of people there. I know you shouldn't be concerned with what others think, but.... I did not want to disappoint the ladies who invited me to do the show. Here's a few photos from the show. I wore my favorite crafting apron, "Dick and Jane, see mama sew".
The night before I scrambled to figure out how to display my wares. I had an idea at 3:00 a.m. while I was still working to get things together. I would dismantle the two baker's racks in my home and use them for a display. It worked out great. All the items I made, came with a matching gift bag. That was a big hit! I think I could have sold more of the bags than anything else. The baker's rack allowed me to hang all the bags and display them nicely.
I even displayed my latest apron from the swap for special orders.
I had forgotten how tiring it can be, setting up and taking down. At least there was a lot less to to carry out than there was to bring in!!! I'll post tomorrow some photos of my craft show creations. What is left from the show will be on my Etsy store which is being designed this week. I'm excited about this. Many of you have asked if I sell my items, so keep your eyes open. I would love to have you visit.
The best thing about the craft show was that everything I made was
"A Creaion From My Heart".
"JOY is yours today...Just take it".

Oh Sherry!!! Everything looked so GORGEOUS!!!! I hope you sold TONS AND TONS and what didn't can go right into your Etsy store! Everything looks so beautiful ~ I know you must have rested tons afterwards ~ hugs to you! xxoo, Dawn
Yeah! Finally..your etsy store! I can't wait to see all the wonderful things!
Everything looked so lovely...just like everything else on your blog. I look forward to seeing your new store.
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