That's where my friend Shelly comes in.... I taught a class this week on making "A Cloche". She was there. She arrived with a bag and a big smile, so excited to hand it over to me. As she did she said, "I hope you like this, I thought of you when I saw it". Right there my heart was touched. Just to have someone think of me during their day, was enough of a gift. Well this is what was in the bag and it's PINK...
How Sweet. She had seen these PINK small teacups and matching dishes on EBay and that's when she thought of me. She's my friend, and she knows I love PINK!
Aren't they Sweet? Isn't Shelly a sweetie.
I can't wait to bring them out next time a few friends are over.
The unexpected gift was wonderful, but the bigger gift was that my friend thought about me when they saw the PINK dishes and knew that I would LOVE them! THAT, is the true gift. If you love the color PINK head on over to How Sweet the Sound to enjoy other PINK Saturday posts!
"A FRIEND is an angel sent to you by God".