During one of my recent trips to my favorite thrift store, I spotted a bin of sewing patterns. They were only 15 cents each. So I picked these up.
Most were outdated, but it got the wheels in my brain turning. What could I use these for? Remember, I said to think outside the box. I have been selling my aprons on My Etsy Shop and had one of my creations to ship out today. Instead of using ordinary tissue, I thought it would be a nice to wrap the apron in old sewing pattern tissue. I think it adds a nice touch.
Now that spring is here garage sales are a wonderful place to find inexpensive used sewing patterns. You don't have to be a seamstress to incorporate this idea. I am going to use this idea for all my hand crafted items that go in a box or gift bag. I am also going to use the tissue pattern as filler when I ship my Etsy items. I just think it adds a special touch. So before you through out those old patterns, set them aside and wrap up your next creation that you will be giving as a gift. It's sure to put a smile on someone's face.
I also wanted to share with you a great blog giveaway at Blissful Home. You can enter to win a sleep number mattress. You can enter Here. Nothing is better than a good nights sleep!
Wishing you a wonderful Wednesday...
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. ~William Shakespeare